Horizon Health

Horizon Health

For all of us in healthcare, there comes a moment in time when we transition from provider to patient or family advocate.  This past week was my turn.  One of my parents (like many in my generation, I’m blessed with more than two) was hospitalized with a myriad of difficulties that boil down to, elderly […]

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Repeal and Replace 2.0: Sandoval expresses concern, Heller promises review

Repeal and Replace 2.0: Sandoval expresses concern, Heller promises review

LAS VEGAS (KSNV NEWS3LV) — Senate Republicans unveiled their revised Obamacare replacement on Thursday, and while it contains some changes to the original proposal, it contains a key element Nevada’s top two Republicans oppose: cuts to Medicaid, which is the program that helps low-income and needy Americans. Gov. Brian Sandoval, in Rhode Island for the National […]

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“Where do you live?”

“Where do you live?”

I’m a doctor in East Harlem, where residents die, on average, 10 years earlier than their neighbors just a few blocks south on Manhattans Upper East Side. Many of my patients worry more about paying the rent than buying the medication they need to manage their diabetes or high blood pressure. That’s why I’ve learned […]

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5 Important Reasons to Vaccinate Your Child

5 Important Reasons to Vaccinate Your Child

You want to do what is best for your children. You know about the importance of car seats, baby gates and other ways to keep them safe. But, did you know that one of the best ways to protect your children is to make sure they have all of their vaccinations? Immunizations can save your […]

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FQHC White Paper

FQHC White Paper

Click here to read about the challenges that are faced by many FQHCs around the country in White Paper by Sage Growth Partners.

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Make-A-Wish gets its wish granted — new office space

Make-A-Wish gets its wish granted — new office space

Make-A-Wish of Southern Nevada opened a new office space Friday in Summerlin called the Wishing Place. Allegiant Airlines, a national sponsor of Make-A-Wish for nearly five years, donated $1.5 million to the nonprofit organization to help fund its new headquarters on Allegiant’s Summerlin campus. “They wanted to do something that could connect their emloyees here […]

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