Patient Services

For Patients of FirstMed Health and Wellness

*You must be a patient of FirstMed Health and Wellness to receive these enabling services.

At FirstMed Health and Wellness, we recognize your well-being also includes non-medical support. We can provide assistance beyond your health and medical needs. Please let your FirstMed Health and Wellness caseworker know if you need help in any of these areas. This list is not meant to be exhaustive and offerings are subject to change without notice.

  • Prescription/Medication assistance
  • Translation services (in person or via phone)
  • Utilities assistance
  • Ride share program and bus passes
  • Clothes for employment
  • Onsite food pantry
  • Household supplies
  • Hygiene products
  • Pet food
  • Infant needs (diapers, wipes, formula)
  • School supplies (when available)
  • Application assistance for: Social Security, SNAP, TANF, medical insurance, identification card benefits
  • Referrals for: Childcare assistance, education, employment, housing

Division of Supportive Services

Supportive Services provided to FirstMed Health and Wellness patients furthers our goal of developing a community-based health care system by supporting adults who have been impacted by trauma and helping them secure appropriate behavioral health services to achieve self-sufficiency through collaborative and integrative case management and community support.

FirstMed Health and Wellness also provides support to adult and child victims of a crime. If you are a primary or secondary victim of a crime, you may have to cope with challenges you never expected to face. FirstMed Health and Wellness can help you figure out what steps to take and what choices you may need to make. Please contact our office (702) 731-0909 for assistance.